Sunday, December 09, 2007

I'm a Busy Beaver!!!

*YAWN* I am sooooooooooooooo tired!!! I didn't go to sleep until 12 AM!! I was up reading (and finishing) New Moon. Oh.....My.....Gosh is it ever good!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also am finishing up my assignments so I can have Christmas off. Boy, are they getting hard. I guess that's cuz I'm getting older. (: I've officially written 100 songs!!!!!!! I had to write one for English, so now I'm at 100!!!! I'm really enjoying acting. We did improv and my teacher said I did such a wonderful job. I really got into character. I also wasn't distracted by the other kids. they always fool around. I really enjoy learning, but I hate it when they just goof off and I can't hear the teacher. I sound so nerdy, but this is something I enjoy, that why. Not much has been going on lately. So I'll blog when something exciting happens.

YoU kNoW yOu LoVe Me!!!




softballchick7 said...

That is cool that you wrote 100 songs I will have to see some somtime. That is good that you don't get distracted by other kids, heck I know that I do all the time like 2day I had t odo a presentation and I didn't know (Can you say deer in headlights?) It stunk! What do u do 2 ignore the other kids? Can't wait til Wednesday! TTYL! Je cous aime! ~Bridgette

softballchick7 said...

"Je vous aime!" sorry typo

softballchick7 said...

So like I hear that you know who hasn't talked to you in like 3 weeks or so, whats up w/ that? Like do you guys never see eachother and such? Or even call eachother? Or r yal just takin a break? I guess that its none of my business, but just call me curious george! Well I got to go but I hope you have a Merry and Joyful Christmas! Love you! ~Bridgette

♥Alex♥ said...

I write songs too. I havent wrote that many though! My friend and I share our songs and one day we're planning to satrt a band with all our songs. COuld you put up some of your lyrics?