Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Break-up

So aaron and I broke up over Text. Yeah it's totally pathetic!(I so can't spell it!) and now, i'm out of texts because of that! :( he first told me he needed to talk to me in person. I asked if it was good or bad. he replied "eh" so I asked him if he wanted to break up. I waited for 2 minutes and then I said something along the lines of, "Fine I guess we're not a couple any more." I sent it and then he sent me a super long text...

Well when we got home on Friday, my friend who goes to camp with him told me he kissed another girl...on Friday. We broke up TUESDAY! IN NEW YORK! So this was so bad....UGH!!!!!



Skippy said...

"Thorws arms around Katrina"
Break-ups are the wrost. And over a simple text, that is even worster. Your ex kissing another chick, what a barf bag! I say kick him in the shin!!

Katrina :) said...

Haha I haven't even talked to him yet and he still wants to be FRIENDS!

Thank you for your support! Without friends, Break-up would be a billion times worse!


Red said...

I will never forget the first time I had a major break-up with a boyfriend. I swore I was going to die. Suffice it to say I lived through it. But I swear my heart was being ripped out and thrown into a blender and someone hit the puree button.

Hope you get throught this*hugs*

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Still kissing frogs =] said...

Aw, I agree with my cousin and aunt! A breakup over a text is the worst, I know I've gone threw a few. _Hugs_