Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Happy Birthday...

TO ME!!! Okay well actually that was about 3 weeks ago, but still! It was an amazing birthday! I would have much preferred to race in the derby with almost all my besties, but I spent it w/ my family! It's all good, though. I spent it with my mom and dad, my grampa, My aunt bonny and my uncle john, as well as my aunt and uncle from Utah! It was really fun! I got a lota dough (hehe) and the Aly and AJ DS game, a speaker set for my iPod out back for when we go swimming, 2 little jewlery boxes, a bracelet, a funky necklace, a pair of earrings, and lots and lots of CLOTHES!!!!! :D My aunt bonny ROCKS!!! :))

So it was awesome!

We are finally un-stranded (meaning my gramps is home) and can go inside! YEAH!!!!! no more hot car or hot outside (it's a little bit nicer in the car)

YoU kNoW yOu LoVe Me!!!

KaTrInA!!! <333


Skippy said...

Happy belated birthday! Birthdays are when I get a ton of money too. That seems to last FOREVER!

Maddiey said...

Happy birthday!

How did you get your layout to be one from