School Sucks.
Especially 10th grade.
It's 11 weeks in and I'm sooo far behind.
I wish I wasn't! It's just not fair.
English is soo annoying.
I have to read 44 pages of Jane Eyre per lesson. So i kind of got behind cuz I was having trouble concentrating on the story. Right now, I have to write a letter to Jane about the setting.
Biology is utterly stupid.
My teacher never is in contact with me.
And I've had to do the water cycle.
I also had to write a paragraph on being a water droplet going through the water cycle. It sounds like fun, right?
Well the first time, it was.
I've taken 3 Science classes online, and in all three, I've had to do this same exact assignment. UGH!!!
American Government is...okay I guess.
It's kind of exciting because of the up-coming elections.
But that's about it.
It's pretty boring learning about things over and over again. In all of your classes.
Driver's Ed is lame.
I just have to take the stupid test.
I'm not happy about tests. ugh.
Algebra is soo stinking hard!
I just can't understand it! ugh! ugh! ugh!
Sorry about all the ughs.
Peace out cub scout!
April, my dear
9 years ago
Ha Ha!!!
I'm only in 8th grade and it's not that bad. I'm Algebra 8 and I have to have my dad help me because I don't understand it. I can't wait until geometry next year. JK :(
I'm sorry that you are so far behind. The only class I'm behind in is Spanish but it's not that bad, yet anyway.
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