Sunday, October 05, 2008

My No Good, Dirty Rotten, Horrible, Terrible, Really Bad Week.

Or half a week. Sunday - Tuesday was pretty uneventful. just school work and a class at the Y Monday and Tuesday evening. very boring.

But Wednesday. Oh Wednesday. Now normally I love wednesdays and hate mondays (I even have a song about that!) but this week sucked. I decided I was sick of being homeschooled and wanted(ish) to got to public school. so I had to miss youth group which made wednesday really bad.

So Thursday, My mom drops my courses on FLVS (Biology, American Government, and English II) and Am. Gov. was completly dropped, English, my teacher kept me in it just in case, and stupid biology, my teacher never said anything till yesterday. ugh. I hate biology. But anywho, my mom called the two public schools and neither wnated me. ugh. So i have to stay homeschooled until Dacember. Joy.

Friday: started off well. We went to a play and both Erin and Nicole were here! :D we had a lot of fun. Then we all wento out for lunch at Steak N Shake. but then Erin texts me saying Nicole quit the band. Without telling ME, the band leader. ugh. and then to top it all off, I remember that my 3 favorite bands, The Academy Is..., We The Kings, and Hey Monday, are preforming that night. And my mom wouldn't let me go. not just that day, but the day i found out they were playing, which was like, months ago. So I ask my mom to take me to target to get Fast Times At Barrington High cuz I never got their CD and it would give me something to do while I wallow in self pity cuz I can't go see them live. Well target was out of the CDs. So i had to buy it off iTunes instead. But I also got the Flyleaf EP, Much Like Falling. Plus the FT@BH CD on iTunes had a few bonus it kinda worked out. Speaking of; We went to the Y again and I decided to use the treadmill. Well on my iPod, I kept getting WTK and TAI songs. Even Homecoming by Hey Monday came on. So I was really depressed. I had my hands of the bar for one second and CRASH!!!!!!!

I fell of the treadmill.
And dropped my iPod. (Which is OK, BTW)
But I FELL OFF THE FRICKING TREADMILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So the whole thing was embarrassing.

Saturday: Boring for the most part. Then around 4, my whole family was supposed to go to this really cool mall. Me to help plan a homeschool homecoming (which was succussful) and everyone else to shop. Well Dylan didn't feel too good, so he didn't go. Neither did my mom. So my dad spent 3 hours wondering around the mall. that was fun. The Erin came home with us, but she sadly couldn't spend the night. :(

And so today: nothing much but church. I wanted to wear shorts cuz it's Too Darn Hot to wear my dress pants. but my mom made me. Then I had to go up and Altar Serve. After the First Reading. I had no clue there was only one kid serving, so I had to wait and then come and sit and serve after the first reading. I had to put the alb on with little kids in the room. I don't completly strip down, just put the alb over my clothes. So don't freak. lol.

but that's it. I kinda hafta go eat my uber late lunch!


Sorry it took so long to blog!



Leilah = LoVE♥ said...

Hey! Long time no see. Well that sounds like the lamest week ever. I would of escaped to see We the Kings. I love that song Skyway Avenue. UGH! I noticed that word in almost everyday. And I hope you feel better by all the depression.

little lozer xxx(cute little lozer) said...

heyyyy! pretty bad week ! my friend dared me to jump on a tredmill when it was moving and i said no but she nagged badly so i did it and you can imagine what i did...... well if you cant -i fell off !!!!!!!

so she bought me an ice cream !

so blog back !

Natalie said...

I love We the Kings, and The Acadamy is! And Hey Monday is pretty good too (: That sucks big time that you couldn't go to the performance though.

Aww man, falling off the treadmill? That sounds like something I would totally do, haha :P