Sunday, July 13, 2008

When The Day Met The Night

So i slept in until one...I'm not feeling 100% but the shower I just took is getting me there. Still bored. My mom is starting to lean towards a "yes" for the Metro Station/Boys Like Girls/Good Charlotte/The Main Concert! YAY!!! :D So that's awesome! :) We also are done stripping the tile out of the house. All 500 sq. feet is OUT! Now we hafta put new ones in...I wonder when that'll be...
I finished my song and now my new song is "The Finish Line" It's kinda a derby song.
So I still have writer's block on my stories...i'm not sure what to write.
I started Eclipse (again) and I'm on Ch. 4. I started it yesterday.
My internet is acting weird, so it's like i have to constantly refresh the web pages.
I'm also looking through hundreds of pages of icons and saving a ton! I love it! they're SO funny! :) I love the twilight ones! :)

So that's pretty much it...

If you miss a day w/ the breaking daw quotes, go to




Rose Valentine said...

That would be an awesome concert!! Aww your ex shouldn't stop you from going to church!

Skippy said...

Writer's block is not cool,I've had it a big ONCE, and it was depressing.

Still having fun with the tile people?(lol...j/k)