Friday, August 08, 2008

August Is Over

I'm sad summer is almost over. next week is my last week before I start school...
I didn't get half of what I wanted to get done. I was hoping to finish a story, type up all of my songs. much more.

I did get half of my songbooks typed up, started a new one, started SO many new stories, read Breaking Dawn in 24 hours, made new blogger friends :) started driver's ed, went to NY to see family, and HAD FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Summer's almost gone, so make the best of the last days!



Rose Valentine said...

Same here, girl same here. I start school on Wednesday. I didn't get to finish my story or really finish any of my plans.

Tatiana said...

Hi! I'm kind of in the same situation the only difference is that for me school starts on tuesday!:S and I haven't finished my summer homework :P

Natalie said...

I can't believe this summer went by so fast. I had a whole huge list of things I wanted to do too, but I barely even did half of that. I guess there's always next summer to look forward to! (: