Friday, September 26, 2008


So I've been tagged by Ashlea So here are the rules:

1.Link the person who tagged you.
2.Mention the rules in your blog.
3.Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks about yourself.
4.Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them.
5.Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers' blogs letting them know they've been tagged.

1. I like to write on my left hand cuz I'm a righty. I walays put I <3 J.F. and an orange dot. inside jokes.
2. Not a single boy likes me. I'm always the crusher, not the crushee...
3. I still have my American Girl Dolls. And I dress them up depending on the season.
4. I had my ear pierced again in December, but the hole closed last month, so I only have one hole per ear now...
5. I have about 100 posters in my room. The majority of them is Demi Lavoto, Selena Gomez, and Aly and AJ.
6. I have 1112 songs on my iPod and have a lot more to put on it. My parents have about 100 CDs and I have aroung 50...

So I tag:

And Stephanie


Anonymous said...

I have no clue how this blogger atg started.
But it's kinda cool.

PhilO♥ said...

Heya!!! Just saw your blog! I noticed that you're there in many peoples blog list....n well...I like your blog too...N so...m adding you to my blog list too !! Keep Blogging!! :)

Natalie said...

Don't worry, no guys like me either :P I still have my American Girl Dolls too! I have Felicity and Nellie (: I want to get my ears pierced again, but when I got them pierced the first time they took like 2 years to fully heal, so I'm kind of hesitant. But we'll see!

Skippy said...

My friend read Animal farm, and hated it so bad, but did you like it or not?